Shipping Policy

  • Delivery available worldwide.
  • Shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer, these may vary from one country to another.
  • We provide you with a tracking number for all your shipments.
  • Shipping is done within 48 hours maximum from payment.
  • In the event of an unusual delay in processing the order, an email will be sent to the customer.
  • We decline all responsibility in the event of excessive delivery delays due to postal services, as well as in the event of loss of ordered products or strikes.
  • Any anomaly concerning the delivery (missing or broken product) must be notified on the same day of receipt or at the latest on the first working day following receipt by e-mail to Any claim made after this deadline will be rejected.
  • The user will not be able to request compensation in the event of a delay in delivery by the carrier. In addition, in the event of an anomaly upon receipt (damaged or opened package, etc.), the user must file a complaint with the carrier within 2 working days, by registered mail, a copy of which will be sent to us. Any complaint made after this deadline will be rejected.
  • The withdrawal period is 14 days from the date of receipt.
  • Goods always travel at the recipient's risk.
  • If the conditions are met, we will either exchange or refund.